Products for potency: what you need to eat to strengthen it

Erectile dysfunction is one of the biggest problems for any man. And it’s not just physical, but also psychological. A man begins to feel insecure, his relationship with the woman he loves may deteriorate. To restore his shape, he better talk to a psychologist, find out the cause of the pathological condition, and even follow a certain diet, using products to increase potency.

Dietary rules to increase potency

Impotence is a very unpleasant diagnosis that can be heard by a person of any age. The main reasons for the loss of male power are strong emotional disturbances, psychological disorders, excessive physical exercise, prostate disease or unhealthy diet.

Naturally, medications can be used to improve erectile function, but the effects will not last long, and there may be side effects. A man needs to change his lifestyle, eliminating the root cause of the problem. The basic rules for increasing potential are as follows:

  • lead an active life with daily exercise (they should be of moderate intensity);
  • fractional nutrition (many products have a beneficial effect on the whole body);
  • rejection of bad habits.

Properly chosen foods can not only prolong sexual intercourse, strengthen erections, but can also improve sperm quality. You need to eat foods that contain vitamins C, B, E, A. Zinc, amino acids, selenium, and calcium are needed to increase potency. In this case, the diet should be balanced, high in protein.

Men's Strength Products

The men’s menu should include products from different groups. This will provide the body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals. If he is involved in intensive training, then sports nutrition is more appropriate.

Fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs

Eating fresh herbal products is the safest way to restore potency. But you need to eat it in moderation. There are such products that increase the potential:

Vegetables/fruits Action
radish Provides potential retention, especially in combination with meat
Greens and spices (basil, thyme, cumin) Each of these herbs is considered a natural aphrodisiac. Green increases libido (sexual desire), increases arousal
Wine There is a large amount of magnesium. It has a positive effect on the nervous system, calms it, improves blood flow. Grapes help eliminate the causes of impotence
bananas They have a positive effect on overall health. Eating this fruit is a natural way to increase the duration of sexual intercourse at home. It also improves male reproductive function
Citrus (lemon, orange) Contains large amounts of lutein, which increases testosterone production
Avocado, strawberries It contains coarse fiber which enhances spermograms
celery This plant is rich in vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus and potassium.
horseradish Thanks to the large plant fiber, it improves the quality and potency of sperm.
Garnet Increases male libido, helps prolong sexual intercourse. You can use the fruit itself or its freshly squeezed juice.
Garlic and onions These vegetables increase blood flow. Increases testosterone production. Onions are an excellent prevention of prostate inflammation. Also, this product is rich in vitamins and other beneficial substances. Garlic contains one of the most important elements for male power - selenium.

It is useful to include berries in the diet. Blueberries and raspberries increase sexual desire, blood flow, increase potency. The more a man eats these berries, the stronger he is in bed.

Raspberries and blueberries - berries that increase potency in men


Meat is a necessary product in a man's diet, which has a positive effect on erection and potency in general. It contains the following nutrients:

  1. Omega-3 fatty acids. This ingredient is found in beef. It has a positive effect on heart function, blood vessel condition, as well as the penis. Acids accelerate blood circulation, tissue nutrition, eliminate inflammatory processes.
  2. Vitamin D3. It is also found in beef, as it is produced by exposure to sunlight.
  3. Linoleic acid. It prevents problems with blood vessels, reduces the amount of body fat.
  4. Vitamin E. It plays an important role in men's sexual health.

Meat dishes are best steamed, roasted or boiled. With proper nutrition, fried and smoked foods should be excluded. Rabbit meat, turkey, chicken, horse meat, beef will be useful. You should reduce the consumption of pork, as it is too fatty and causes a decrease in potency.

bee products

Bee products are used to treat many diseases, including potential disorders. Natural honey and perga are used to strengthen the immune system and support male potency. This product is rich in vitamins A, C, B, E, trace elements, minerals. They will help stimulate blood circulation in the genital area. Perga contains a large amount of protein.

You can use such folk remedies every day. The main thing is that it is environmentally friendly and fresh. People who are prone to allergic reactions need to be careful. With the help of honey, the glands will begin to produce hormones needed for the normal functioning of the reproductive system.

Honey in a man’s daily diet helps increase potency

Chocolate, dried fruits and nuts

Dried fruits and nuts are often used to increase potency. They are able to reduce the influence of negative factors on the body, stimulate and strengthen the immune system. The list of products that are useful for a good erection includes:

  1. dark brown. This product works fast. It improves the general physical and psychological state, mood, muscle tone. Positive effects on the nervous system improve the function of the genital organs. The only condition for effective exposure is the cocoa content in chocolate-at least 67%. It is better to use bitter products. A man should consume 1-2 pieces of chocolate daily.
  2. dates. They are best eaten with nuts. This product is able to improve erections and improve sperm quality.
  3. Pine nuts, walnuts, pistachios. They contain vegetable proteins, which the body is filled with energy, increased erections, and regulation of hormone levels. Peanuts are a natural stimulant.
  4. No less useful are figs and dogwood. You need to eat such foods in moderation and balance.


This group of products is most effective in reducing potency. First of all, the menu includes squid and shrimp. They increase blood flow to the genitals, so the erection is stable. Moreover, seafood gives an immediate effect, as evidenced by the large number of positive reviews. The most popular are:

  1. oysters. They are a natural source of amino acids and zinc. The product activates testosterone production, increases libido. Oysters are a natural aphrodisiac, which ensures the duration of sexual intercourse, an increase in the quantity and quality of semen. They acted immediately. In ranking products for potential, they take first place.
  2. flounder. This fish contains vitamins, zinc and protein. It is better to boil, boil or bake it, because when frying a large number of useful components are destroyed.
  3. mackerel. To increase the potency, it is also better to boil the fish. It contains protein, increases sperm production, testosterone.
  4. Shells. In general, they have a positive effect on sexual health, as well as quickly stabilize erections.

In order for food made from seafood not to lead to negative consequences, the product must be of high quality.

Oily fish helps increase male potency

Dairy products

With reduced potency levels, a man needs to consume an adequate amount of protein every day. For this, dairy products are included in the diet. They stimulate sperm production, can prolong sexual intercourse. In addition to protein, it contains a variety of vitamins, micro and macro elements. The menu should include daily yogurt, cheese, sour cream, cottage cheese.

Another product that is useful for potential

Any physiological or psychological problem can exacerbate the potential. Diet is an effective method of therapy that complements conservative treatment well.

To stabilize sexual life, the following products are needed:

  1. Quail eggs. It is safe to eat, so you can drink it raw. 4 eggs are eaten daily.
  2. Pumpkin seeds. They are rich in zinc, so they improve not only erection, but also a man's reproductive ability. Seeds stabilize the hormonal balance in the body, as testosterone levels become normal.
  3. Bijirin. Buckwheat, oats, cells, nuts contain magnesium, which has a positive effect on the nervous system.

Some products may not be compatible with each other, so it is better to entrust the formation of the diet to a specialist.

Drinks that improve erections

To increase potency, you can use not only food, but also drinks. The most useful are:

  1. Ginger tea. This drink contains large amounts of vitamins and minerals. It is prepared from the roots of plants. Ginger improves blood circulation, so the risk of congestion is reduced. Honey can be added to tea.
  2. Pumpkin juice. It must be freshly squeezed. Drinks strengthen muscle tissue.
  3. watermelon. It is enough to regularly consume berries this season. Thanks to the amino acids found in it, blood circulation is improved.
  4. Garlic infusion. To prepare it, you need chopped vegetables (1 kg), a three-liter jar and boiled water. The mixture is infused for a month. The liquid is shaken daily. It should be taken daily for 1 teaspoon. until it ends.
  5. Koumiss. Mare milk increases reproductive ability.
  6. Juice from celery root. It is effective against sexual dysfunction and stabilizes the hormonal background, increasing the amount of testosterone in the blood.
  7. Green infusion. Parsley and coriander are used for it. The herbs are crushed and poured with hot water. It took half an hour to permeate.

Products harmful to men's health

Any product that increases potency should be eaten in moderation, as dietary abuse will only harm. Men's sex lives are affected by:

product Action
Muffins, pastries and white bread This product has a negative effect on potency, because it contains sugar and yeast. They also contain acids that keep testosterone levels low.
Alcohol (beer, alcohol) Beer contains female hormones, so testosterone production slows down
Foods that have high cholesterol There is a blockage of the blood vessels, so the blood circulation becomes worse. This condition has a negative effect on the genitals. These foods include pate, fatty meats, lard
Snacks During the preparation of fast food, harmful substances appear in it, causing instability of the hormonal system.
smoked products It contains chemicals that worsen testosterone production. Liquids used for smoking contain toxic compounds that are potentially harmful.
Vegetable oils (corn, flaxseed, soybeans) They affect the quality of semen
Egg They have adverse effects only if you consume them in large quantities.
Carbonated drinks that contain sugar It contains chemical additives, preservatives and dyes. They are harmful not only to the potential, but also to the whole organism as a whole. At the same time, a good erection and duration of sexual intercourse cannot be achieved. There is a decrease in testosterone production, a decrease in sperm activity
Caffeine Helps increase female sex hormone levels

In order for the diet to be effective, you must remove harmful foods from the diet.

Popular Recipes

Any product that is useful for potential must be properly prepared. The following recipe will help with this:

  1. Honey and sesame seeds. The seeds must be well roasted without oil. After that, sesame seeds are mixed with honey. Eat 3 tbsp. l. three times a day.
  2. Buttermilk with onions. To cook, you need 2 onions, 0. 5 cups of yogurt, 120 g of cottage cheese, vegetables. Grind vegetables, mix with cottage cheese and pour yogurt. To decorate the dish, sprinkle with chopped herbs.
  3. Shrimp soup. First, chop and fry the carrots, onions and parsley. Next, put the batter into boiling water and cook for 15 minutes. Add 0. 5 kg of cauliflower to the resulting mass and cook until tender. 10 minutes before readiness, add 200 g of boiled shrimp meat to the pan.
  4. Spicy radish with honey. To cook, 300 g of chopped vegetables, 0. 5 l of boiling water, 3 tbsp. l. Dear. Carrots are first poured with boiling water and cooled. After that, the liquid is drained, and honey is poured into the gruel. The mixture can be eaten in small portions or used to season other dishes.

Naturally, any diet is temporary, so this product must always be in the diet. Proper nutrition, as well as rejection of bad habits and moderate physical activity will provide good potential. The main thing is not to be alone with the problem and turn to a specialist in a timely manner.